The Ockment Centre
Room for all

Opening Hours
Our office hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
Bookings can be made outside of these days/times with at least 7 days notice
(subject to availability)
Please note
Due to the cost of energy rising, bookings outside of our office hours will need to be condensed to coincide with bookings we already have. No concessionary prices will be available. We hope you understand our position on this to help the Centre.

New Windows
Thanks to the generosity of the people of Okehampton along with funders, the Ockment Centre has, at last, had replacement windows fitted. It took two years to get Planning Permission and once this was granted we could apply for funding.
Okehampton United Charities, Viridor Credits, The Norman Family Trust and the Cooperative Service along with public donations and fundraising by the Staff we raised £47,560 to pay for Secondary Double Glazed windows at the rear and Secondary Glazed Units at the front .
The old windows were dangerous and impossible to open or close. It was too hot in the Summer and the heating bills in the Winter were astronomical.
The building will have a new lease of life and we are sure the users of the Ockment Centre will find the rooms more comfortable whatever the weather.
A big thank you to Okehampton Glass who have fitted the windows and also extremely helpful in obtaining Planning Permission.
We are grateful to all our customers who have been so understanding during the fitting of the windows

Karen Percival of Okehampton United Charities presents a cheque to the
Ockment Centre Work Club to secure another year

Open Gardens Success
Huge thank you to all that came to our Open Gardens Event
We raised a total of £516.90 for Hospiscare

Coop Community Funding
boosts windows fund
We would like to thank all the Cooperative Customers who nominated us as their charity, we would also like to thank the Cooperative Store who set up the Community Fund
We are using our share of the fund to help pay for the replacement windows we are hoping to have installed in the Summer.
This is a big undertaking as we need to raise over £50,000, we are also applying for grants and doing our own fundraising, the Cooperative Community Fund will be a great boost to our funds
The windows are in a bad state of repair with some not even opening. Having new windows will make a great difference to the groups who use the centre

The Mayor, Jan Goffey, presents a cheque from Okehampton Town Council to the Ockment Centre
Bookshelf number 2
After the success of our original bookshelf we decided to create another space for books etc. Eager volunteers Zoe and Martin transformed the alcove by reception into a wonderland of used books, dvd's, cd's and more recently puzzles. Pop in for a gander through - all 50p each

New Workclub Times...
We are delighted to have received funding from Okehampton United Charities to continue providing our Workclub which supports people into employment
Workclub times are:
Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm
Fridays 10am-1pm
So if you are looking for work or a change of employment, come along join us for a free cup of coffee. You can look at local jobs in the paper or use the computers to search online
Come and have a chat to see what help is on offer for your own situation
Workclub is free for everyone
Please Note: The Work Club no longer runs on Friday afternoons

Hall Refurbishment Complete...
On October 13th we held a Celebration Lunch to say 'thank you' to all the funders, works people and volunteers who have helped us to transform our neglected cold and damp hall into a bright, welcoming and warm space.
A great deal of money was raised by community fundraising for this project and we received a great deal of support from the community through letters and emails.
This helped us to secure a grant of £19800 from the Pennon Environmental Fund via Viridor Credits for the roof and windows, £5235 from Okehampton United Charity for a new heating system and storage shed, and £6348 from West Devon Borough Council for internal and external decoration costs, stripping and varnishing the floor, blinds and new furniture.
Come along and see for yourself what a difference this has made for the community groups who use the hall....

Ockment Centre Defibrillator
We have now got a Defibrillator in the building, thanks to a donation made by the Okehampton Freemasons
The life-saving piece of equipment is now in place by reception
Thank you to Okehampton Freemasons for their generosity, the money will also ensure maintenance, insurance and training to use it